last moon

martedì 7 agosto 2012

The Poem of Creation


I sing the God Almighty’s Creation
Wherein were firstly born Adam and Eve
former seed of any human Nation
at the time they could only conceive
the joyfulness with no desperation
In the Eden still so far to misgive
The trick of that infernal snake
Who likes to be the Manhood's fake!

I also sing about the valiant braves,
descending  from the ancient, chosen race,
who such in courageous and daring ways
Isr’eli people to holy surface
They led of Palestine. Betray’ls, hates, loves,
I don't omit, on fortune and disgrace:
those between God and men, between kingdoms ;
and  wars, exiles and  laws  into my songs.

Arduous so much however it ‘s my part,
long and full of traps my composition,
That plenty of fear I feel into my heart,
if I dare to see myself on action,
and tremble with my hand before I start
The Old,  the New and all Holy Narration!
My Fairy God, You Firmament’s Creator
Allow  me to become such a narrator!

From Genesis’ to Apocalypse’s book
please drive my hand between rhymes and accents
to enable  jointly with my mind, to hook
the most significant, deep, true  sentiments
in order they can take a fairly look
of those seventy three, pious components!
If someone goes to Source for sweeter tasting
 all my efforts for sure I won’t be wasting!

... to be continued with The World's Creation...

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