last moon

domenica 17 febbraio 2019

Another Europe is possible

I'm following the debate on Brexit. As everybody knows there are two positions on the ground:Leavers and  Remainers. But things are not so simple as one might think.
The leavers split up in two opposite parties: those who want to leave at any rate (we may call them hard brexiters, like the former London Major David Johnson) and those who want a good deal in order to soften in some way the negative impact of leaving the single market.
But also the Remainers are in some way divided: there are those who want to stay in the single market because they don't want to loose the profits which come from staying and there are those who want to stay because they believe in Europe as a new political reality capable to face the challenges that are waiting for us in this new century.
As Italian I belong to those Eruropeans who believe that another Europe is possible.
But not only we need another Europe to be stronger against the giants of the world: as a matter of fact we want to stay together because we feel we are brothers in Europe (someone says we are just cousins) and we share the same roots, the same history, the same culture.
Let's stick together to make a Great Europe, English, Scottish and Irish brothers!

sabato 9 febbraio 2019


Se trovate in un burrone profondo
uno scheletro legato con il fil di ferro
 a un altro scheletro,
 legato a un altro scheletro
e a un altro ancora,
quello sono io.

Non cercatemi in un fosso qualunque!
Io giaccio
 in quei recessi contorti
che si  chiamano foibe.

Avvolgetemi, ve ne prego,
 in un drappo bianco
E restituitemi ai miei cari,
alla mia Patria e alle cose di Dio.

Non odio nessuno e  perdono tutti.

Solo un’ultima cosa vi chiedo:
aprite gli occhi dei vostri figli
sulla verità!

                                                           Cagliari 10 febbraio 2004