last moon

sabato 18 agosto 2012

The Poem of Creation


End of Chapter One

Insofar a day, while he was sleeping,
God took one of his ribs from his right side
And close up its place with flesh, according
Not to keep him alone, such a grac’ful glide
became a woman, companion cleaving:
On body and soul with man equal inside
and ‘t was a joy! But from that happiness
Adam had soon be wak’n on bitterness!

In truth, as I have already said,
it was the snake the deceiving actor,
who convinced Eve to be so mad
to eat the fruit that the Good Factor
had forbidden; and she convinced her lad
they would have become like a professor
of science and art of evil and good !
That fruit so became the damned food!

End of First Part
To be continued with God’s malediction and the descendents of Adam and Eve

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