last moon

giovedì 28 settembre 2023

Traveling in the spacetime with Virgil - 10

Thirtieth Scene

(Finally Virgil and Dante get in to The first Ante Hell. The guests are damned to fall suddenly asleep while playing; so they can never take rest. As a matter of fact in the Ante Hell it’s  is always day time,   the lights are on all the time and the night never comes.)

Virgil and Dante are sitting in a café. Some kind of music is on. The café is quite crowded; in the middle of the scene there is an upper leveled table where a couple is staying in a bed waiting for someone to make love with; two very dressy men are discussing some important business; two other men  are playing dice and four  more are playing cards; other people are smoking and drinking;  they seem  all to be  enjoying themselves. The two poets are sitting at a table waiting for the waitress to come for their order.

First man (getting close to Virgil and Dante, with a low voice)

            - Chocolate, speed, coke, brown sugar, mushrooms! Do you want any?  Everything  is cheap and first quality!!!

Dante (to Virgil)

            - Master, How do they cook mushrooms in this café? Are them tasteful and safe?

Virgil (smiling to Dante but sending away  the man and calling thereafter  the waitress with a lift arm)

            - No, thanks, man! We don't need any!!!

Waitress (very nice, possibly topless, anyway with a lascivious smile and a note book in the hand)

            - Something from the kitchen, please?


            - We would like two pizzas, please!!! (to Dante) Is it all right also for you a pizza, my son?


            - Oh, yes ! It is!! Can mine can be served with onions and tuna or you just serve them with mushrooms??

Waitress (always nicely)

            - Our Chef makes a very special tuna and onions pizza, if you like it!!!


            - OK! And just a Napoli for me will be all right, please!!!


Waitress (writing down the note)

            - What about the drinks?


            - Two pints of lager, please!!! Is that all right for you my son?


            - Oh yes, master!!! That will be all right also for me!!!

Waitress (after writing and before leaving)

            - OK! Ah, the couple in the bed told me that if you can join them, it will be great!!! I can join myself if you don't mind!!!

Virgil (smiling too)

            - No, thanks, my darling! Tell them we came just for a quick pizza! We are in a rush, you know?

Waitress (still smiling)

            - OK, boys! It will be for the next time, then!!!


            - OK! That's it!! Be quick with those pizzas, will you???


Waitress (while leaving)

            - I will for sure!! ' See you later!!!!


    Thirtieth- first Scene

(Dante and Virgil)


Dante (very abashed after keeping his eyes on the waitress’ bottom)


            - I’m speechless my master… but doesn’t she has any sense of decency…?


Virgil (with a  hand’s gesture)


- I’m surprised my son, you’ve seen much worse than that in our trip…



            - Have I?


Virgil: Of course you have, my son! The world is quite changed since you left, ‘ you know?


Dante: I guess it did,  noble father, but women’s modesty… are so  innate… I would say…


Virgil: Forget about, my son. Look! In order to avoid any scandal on you I’ll tell you what it has gone through in the last centuries about sexual behavior; first of all women have left any shyness and hesitation to become venturing…


Dante:  (disappointed and displeased) Did they really?


Virgil: For sure! They acquired a great deal of initiative; a very sexual impetus, ‘ you know?


Dante (l.b.): They seem to have gone quite far from honesty and gentleness…


Virgil: Surely they have, my son!


Dante: And what about men?


Virgil: Well, they seem to be consequently quite afraid…


Dante: Men frightened by women? Am I hearing right?


Virgil: You are correct my son!!!


Dante: I can’t believe it!!!


Virgil: And it’s not all: they go sheltering on the other side…


Dante. The other side of what?

Virgil (loosing for a while his usual self control): The other side of the moon, what else?


Dante: (thoughtful): May be I see: they turn to buggers… I suppose we’ll find them in the bottom of the hell!


Virgil (reacquiring his calmness) Look my son: I’m sorry for you but the world, from that point of view, has really changed a lot. Love is no more meant to be only a male-female affair; also the family starts now to be recognized between two men or two women!


Dante (confused): It sounds unusual, not to say repulsive or disgusting!!!


Virgil: It’s a long and controversial achievement which lead such families even to the right of acquiring its own issue…


Dante (really piqued and upset): Besides to be against nature, that’s eventually impossible!!!!


Virgil (cutting straight): Well, we’ll have time to discuss it later on! Haven’t you notice that the sinners we met have not  been scheduled on the basis of their sexual habits; their sexual behavior, as a matter of fact, is not relevant anymore; the hell opens its jaws for more cruel rascals; be good and get over it my son; the social parameters have basically changed since you left; don’t you think, after all, that a man or a woman, are to be blamed or praised for what they do of good and bad?


Dante: I would never think that  lechery  and salaciousness  would become morally legal…


Virgil: Oh no, my son! Don’t mistake: malice and incontinence are still punishable but in fact of sex you can behavior as you like. Anyway, let’s finish now our visit to the ante hell;  you have already seen with your own eyes the really horrible sinners of these disgraceful centuries (the lights will be off)


Dante: What’s going on, master?


Virgil: Come here, son! Let’s find a stash for the next scene!!!



-          You told me father that after diner we’re going to a Stock Exchange…


-          If you are not too tired, my son…


-          I’m not for sure! Furthermore it’s better not to go to bed soon after diner!!!


-          I see… You need your time for digesting  pizza!


-          You don’t master?


I’m really an old one!!!’ you see? My time has  gone for each and every thing, bad or nice,  it doesn’t matter anymore for me…


to be continued...




mercoledì 27 settembre 2023

Delitto al Quadrivio - 4

«Buongiorno avvocato» – disse il maresciallo Camboni stringendole la mano, dopo le presentazioni di rito.

La borsetta era stata posta sotto sequestro e il sospettato era già in viaggio per il carcere di Uta, per disposizione del procuratore aggiunto Gessa!

Il dottor Gessa, intanto, finita l’intervista, si stava avvicinando al quartetto.

Salutò con un largo sorriso, stringendo la mano all’avvocato e al medico legale. I due militari erano subito scattati sugli attenti, portando la mano destra alla visiera del loro cappello in segno di ossequioso saluto.

-        «Quando pensa ci sarà l’interrogatorio di garanzia?» chiese l’avvocato dopo i convenevoli.

-        «In settimana. Il giorno esatto dipenderà dagli impegni del Giudice per le Indagini Preliminari. Venga a trovarmi a Palazzo, così le faccio notificare anche l’incidente probatorio! Ce la fa per mercoledì ad eseguire l’autopsia, professore?» – aggiunse di seguito il magistrato rivolgendosi al medico legale.

-        «Ce la faccio», rispose Monsalvo, sempre con quel suo tono asciutto.

-        «Allora ci vediamo domani alle nove!» disse il procuratore aggiunto rivolto ad entrambi.

-        «Alle nove io penso di essere ancora a Uta per conferire con il mio cliente» – interpose l’avvocato.

-        «Ah! Certo!» – fece il dott. Gessa – «Facciamo a mezzogiorno allora?»

-        «A domani a mezzogiorno!» – confermarono sia il medico, sia l’avvocato.

-        «Buonanotte allora!» – salutò il procuratore generale andando via, seguito dai due sottufficiali di polizia giudiziaria.

Anche l’avvocato Levi e il prof. Monsalvo si salutarono, aggiornandosi all’indomani mattina.

Recuperata la sua auto, l’avvocato si avviò verso casa. Aveva giusto bisogno di riposarsi e raccogliere un po’ le idee.

Gli serviva la versione del suo cliente, prima ancora di quella degli inquirenti, che comunque avrebbe appreso dai verbali.

I suoi pensieri si sarebbero schiariti al mattino, come le tenebre che ancora avvolgevano la città silenziosa si sarebbero schiarite al levarsi del sole.

fine primo csapitolo






sabato 23 settembre 2023

Traveling in spacetime with Virgil - 8


Twenty – second Scene

The blasphemous Censors( A large group of people will entry on stage; they are judges, legislator and priests of all religions; waiting for a firing group to come and get the task to shout the mouth to all free thinkers all over the world they will sit in the armchairs)

First Censor

- Enough it’s enough, my friends! We cannot tolerate anymore blasphemies!

Second Censor

- Of course not! If they keep on writing against God the folk will be incited to rebellion!

Third Censor

- And the further step will be the break of public order!!!

Fourth Censor

- We cannot stand it anymore!

Fifth Censor

- Those mouths must be shouted forever!

Sixth Censor

- Let’s issue a new Censorship’s Act!

Seventh Censor

- With death punishments I might say!

Height Censor

- I’ll issue more than a fatwa against them!

Ninth Censor (silencing everybody he will occupy the centre of the stage while the others guys will stay on his side)

- Please, my friends! Allow me to speech about! If we take such a harsh proceeding the enemies of the order will have the chance to turn them on their favor by accusing us of further censorship!

Tenth Censor

- And then? Shall we stand their mouths still blaspheming against God???

Ninth Censor

- Oh, not for sure!!! Let me finish, please; will you?

Tenth Censor (encouraged by the other censors)

- What do you have in mind?

Ninth Censor

- I’ve asked some guys to come here; I want to committee them for a job…

First Censor (and the others)

- What kind of job?

Ninth Censor

- Don’t worry about! It will be a clean job! Just hide your faces as soon as you heard the bell ringing. It’s better not to be recognized, in such cases… And let talk only me!!!

(the bell will ring strongly afterwards)

Twenty-third Scene

(The censors and the five gunmen)

(While the censors disguise their faces in some way, five men are allowed into the scene by the ninth censor who goes to open the door already disguised. Four among the five have hang necked rifles, while the fifth, who leads them, hangs a long sight lens; all of them dress military suits.)

The Ninth Censor (introducing the group of fire): These are the friends I was talking about!

The Commander (answering the murmuring welcome): Hello everybody!!!

The Ninth Censor (handing a note and a square big suitcase): Here you got the list of journalist and writers to be shouted up! And in the case is your first million dollars! You’ll receive one more million supplier for each blasphemer shoot down! (all censor will murmur their consent)

The Commander (Handing on reverse a piece of paper): And here you got the IBAN for the banks transfer. It’s a reserved account in the Cayman Islands!!!

The Ninth Censor: Also the money sender will be reserved. And we have never met! Is that all right?

The Commander: don’t worry about! We are very professional people, aren’t we boys?

(Instead of answering the Commander’s mates will start shooting the censors; next they’ll shoot each other! All men fall down shot dead!)

Twenty-fourth Scene

(A delirious Reverend Jones appears on scene talking like on his last speech; he wears sun dark glasses and looks like a modern, American pastor; on the bottom can be seen a crowd of more than 900 hundreds people, or even more, who have been induced to suicide; but the kids keep on laughing while their parents are heard praying; on the scene only Marshall Herff Applewhite Jr, Jim MCelvane, Judy IJames and Joyce Touchette will be present and will heard their master’s speech silently assenting to all his words, simply standing at his feet ).

Rev. Jones: Though I confirm my opinion on the violence perpetrated on this miserable world I must warn everybody: there is no peace in suicide.

You can see by yourselves what has kept going on since I left: wars, crimes, sexual abuses, robberies, exploitation everywhere, that’s still the capitalist society.

Nevertheless I repeat that it was a horrible mistake what I have done to my people, the Peoples of the Temple; I’ve betrayed the only God by doing that; my error has been to consider myself as great as God Himself, like Lucifer did.

Christine was right, as a matter of fact: Russia would have been a better choice for our kids. I didn't see how much right she was when she said that--as long as there's life, there's hope. That was the right way to faith. Well, anything would be better than suicide. I was blind because my thirsty of power. I’ve wasted my power and misuse my talents against the same God had given them to me.

So, believe me, there is no peace for suicide committers. Christine Miller was right once again: When we destroy ourselves, we're defeated. We let them, the enemies, defeat us.

Please try to remember me for my good actions and not only for the horrible, final scene. Remember I fought for black people redemption giving to ghetto and urban blacks a voice. I spoke against all blacks been put in concentration camps or exterminated. Remind that during the sixties and still in the seventies black people were outcast.

And what about that the CIA shipping drugs and guns to the black ghettos around 1980?

You should know better than I that former CIA employees have indicated that the agency wished to wipe out blacks. US Army CIA agent Albert Corone testified that, “there were some at the CIA that felt that physical slavery could be replaced by pharmaceutical slavery, and that’s why African American gangs, i.e. ‘Bloods’ and ‘Crips,’ were singled out for distributing the drugs brought into the United States by the CIA.” Please don’t forget I was really a “Voice for the People,” !!! Of course I lost control.

Please believe me if I say that I meant to do good. Please consider that it is hard to be a “Spokesman for the People.” When we look at Medgar Evers, we see that standing up for civil rights can get you killed. When we look at Malcolm X, we see that being a “Spokesman for the People” did not turn out very well for him either. Look at Martin Luther King, another “Spokesman for the People.” Look at the Kennedys …all shot down. Being a “Spokesman for the People” appears to mean that you’ll have a very short life…

And allow me to tell you the truth! Isn’t right that men sent into Jonestown returned with the report, “The niggers are all dead?” Isn’t true that one of the soldiers who participated in the operation has spoken out about how they shot the survivors?

Please let people know that I lost my way because of my psychological and physical distress. Please look after your relatives and take care of them: always intervene with proper medicines and drugs in order to cure their madness; don’t leave mad people alone; they need to be led into sanity again.

Death, death, death is never a right solution to any problem! And death is not at all a sleep! And your kids should never, I say never, be involved with adults’ problems. Keep them out of brain washing, treachery and deception!

Push them to follow the great ideas. Let me remind you that in the beginning I admired the historical Jesus and Martin Luther King, and I even gave my son the middle name, Gandhi. You have to be pretty sincere to name your son after your belief. But there were two Jim Jones: the first Jim and the last one. I was eventually wrong becoming more bitter and hardened. I changed when I started in believing Malcolm and Che Guevara and Mao and by any means necessary.

Now I feel as being guilty; that’s why we have to drink our diary potion. Remind me for the good things I’ve done and teach your children not to mistake as I did.. (Jim Jones and the others drink from a bottle and the light goes down)

Twenty-fifth Scene

(David Berg and Karen Zerby).

David Berg (in a trance hypnotic tone, strictly followed by Karen Zerby who keeps him on a leash): What I wrote in those 3,000 letters composed when I was still alive? What did I say about globalization and de-Christianization of modern society ? Can you see the Antichrist’s vanguards?

My weakness was sexuality… By the way, have you seen, around here, a young man called Davidito? I’m not sure he’s here… He might be somewhere else…he surely deserves to be somewherelse…

Karen: (hitting him with a whip) Of course is not here… my sons are both in paradise…let’s look for someone else… There are plenty of people like us around here…

David Berg: You’re right my dear…Let’s rejoin our big family

exeunt be continued...


martedì 19 settembre 2023

Traveling in spacetime with Virgil - 7

Nineteenth Scene

The scene opens on the Great Circle where will appear in the following order: murderers, suicides, marauders, spendthrifts, blasphemers, usurers and buggers. Each one of them will narrate his own history occupying the centre of the stage. The scene represents a mix between a courtroom and a hospital room: in the bottom nine armchairs; on the left a hospital bed with a drip’s pale; on the right a hanger with a white coat doctor; in the middle of the stage there will be a sort of electric chair and a guitar on it. Four written insignias above the twelve chairs   will report in capital characters: Armageddon, Healter Skelter, The Family  and Spahn’s Movie Ranch. Dante and Virgil, after their dialogue will disappear in the backstage.

Dante (with a sigh of amazement)

-          What’s this master?


-          This the place I was speaking of just a little before!  Circle welcomes the sinners who have committed at least two sins among murders, suicides, marauds, wastefulness, blasphemies, usury and sodomy.

Dante (l.b.)

-          But those insignias above…?


-          It’s a long story…


-          … and that guitar on the strange chair?



-          It’s part of the same story. The chair is waiting for a guy who is serving a life jail sentence in California…


-          Does he play guitar?


-          He used to play… he swore, plundered and killed because the world hasn’t recognized him as a musician…


Dante (in a perplexed voice)

-          And he’s going to be prized with a guitar to relieve his right punishment for prey on and  killing people?


-          Are you joking my son? The guitar is connected with the electric chair and it’s an electric guitar… The coming guy will have an electric shock anytime he plays the guitar…and he will want to play a lot… ‘you know? A sort of counterpass…


-          Oh, now I  see…


-          Enough chats my son! There is coming the first sinner…


-          Dante (excited): It would be wonderful anyway!!!

-          Virgil: Very well! I’ll tell you what! We are going to see many men  of  iniquities seamlessly: they will introduce themselves, as you will be able to hear. At the end of it we’ll leave for the Ante Hell! All right?

-          Dante: I’m looking forward for anything you think is good for us!!!





Twentieth Scene

1st Sinner (dressed as a physician he will wear a knotted rope around his neck)

My name is Harold Frederick Shipman and I was born in Nottingham the 14th of January 1946. I was a doctor during my life on the earth. I became a doctor to make revenge breaking the same rules of those who killed my mother. I hang myself after killing thousands of people; every time, killing them, by a lethal injection, made me relive, again and again, my mother’s vicissitudes, suffering before dying, with useless morphine’s injections… I became master of their lives, powerful, much more than those poor doctors who were not able to save the time of  my mother (a nursery comes and sweetly tells the man his diary lethal has come! He reacts with a  crazy laugh and after be injected stops his speech visibly disappointed)





Twenty-first  Scene


2nd Sinner (A breathless guy, dressed as a child, breaks into the stage. He has an unpleasant, commanding and nasal voice and take in his hands a model train.)

-          Hey, you! Have you seen a train, a big, real one, I mean, running away? It’s a train full of communists, ‘ you know? Since they like so much Russians, I want to send them to visit the snowy Siberian plains, ‘ you know what I mean(with teeth grinding) I’m going to wipe all them out, anyway! And now, just excuse me but I have to go, my country calls me out for the great hunt witches!  (touching his forehead) I’m sorry! Of course before I go let me introduce myself: I was named Irving Roy Cohn, attorney and industrial at the top level in USA. I died too early because of a liver cancer that’s why I’m still hunting those bloody communists. And now it’s really time to go (two red soldiers with rifle in their hands come and Roy Cohn escapes outside pursued by the two guards.)



venerdì 15 settembre 2023

Traveling in spacetime with Virgil - 6

Seventeenth Scene

The scene is set on the Devil’s Island, in a room four meters x four. Only a small candle lights the room, from a table where Ferdinand Walsin Esterhàzi, is already sit, forgetful of anything is writing down his memories. Then will enter, in sequence: Eduard Drumont, as news papers seller, with a rubbish bucket of his “Libre parole”; Major du Platy de Clam and General Mercier; both bandaged and moving  as blind  men, very slowly with hands ahead, complaining for something that hurts their feet on the floor; Alphonse Bertillon with a should strap camera. A terrible winds blows on the damned, shaking the candle light.

E. Drumond (shouting): Libre parole!!! Buy a copy! Last news! All news! Libre parole!!!

Paty de Clam (moaning): Parbleu! What a pain!!!The floor must be full of  sharping glasses, brambles and thorns!!!

General Mercier (also complaining): Diable!!! I would also say of pointed stones!!!

E. Drumond (shouting): Libre parole!!! Buy a copy! Last news! All news! Libre parole!!!

Paty de Clam: If I only  could catch that bloody seller of faking news!

General Mercier: It would be a pleasure also for me to strangle that faker!

Mercier ( grabs Paty de Clam on his neck trying to strangle him) I got you son of a bitch!!!

Paty de Clam (gasping): Attention monsieur! That’s my neck!!!

E. Drumond (shouting): Libre parole!!! Buy a copy! Last news! All news! Libre parole!!!

Mercier: Pardon monsieur!!!

Bertillon: S’il vous plait! Pose for a mug shot!!! That’s very important for the sake of justice!!! Come on boys!!!

All the men go out in sequence repeating their refrain.


Eighteenth Scene

       (Dante and Virgil)


Dante: Master, would you please tell me who are those bandaged men? Are them really blind?

Virgil (smiling well): The two blind men have been the archest accusers of Alfred Dreyfus; they could not see the truth so they are damned to walk and search blindly anywhere else.

Dante: What about that men with the bucket?

Virgil: The squealer used to be a director of a French newspaper named “Libre parole” which campaigned against poor Captain Dreyfus!

Dante: But why does he go around with that bucket?

Virgil: Well, in fact he used to publish mere rubbish against Dreyfus, with no proofs at all!

Dante: I see…and the other two men?

Virgil: The man sat at the desk is the real spy in the whole affair and he’s confessing all his faults; while the last man is Bertillon: he was a famous criminalist but was convinced by the two blind men to pretend to be a graphic expert; but his appraisal was macroscopically wrong! Dear Dante, anyone should only do what is able to do and never extemporize, above all when vital interests are involved! Don’t you agree with me?

Dante: Of course I do, master! Your words are very wise, as usual!!!

Virgil: Well! Do you want to see anything else about espionage? The Hell crams of spies for it’s their ideal place!

Dante: Can I have some names?

Virgil: Plenty of them indeed, my son!!! It’s impossible to mention even a small percentage of them!!!

Dante: Not even if we narrow down  the list to the current century?

Virgil: It’s also difficult but I can try to list some of the most famous. The German spy Mata Hari and her Chinese friend Shi Pei Pu form a very special trio with Margaret Gertrude Zelle! They are usually seen either in changeable couple or on their own, day and night. And that’s their punishment: they spy and betray to each other in every and each instant of their infernal life, acting and reproaching from time to time, one against two, trying to poison and kill reciprocally! 

Dante: There are more women or men among the condemned for espionage?

Virgil: I told you: the hell is full of traitors, betrayers and spies! Germans, Russian, Americans, French, Italians…

Dante: What about the spouses Rosenberg? Do you know them?

Virgil: The poor Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are not here for sure!!! But the Hell has crabbed Ethel’s brother David Greenglass and his accomplices in that false accusation Irving Saypol and Robert Kaufmann! Greenglass is wrapped on electrical wire like a coil and gets roast every time anyone turns a light on! And make sure is plenty of lights in here! Do you want to see them? They are not far from here…

Dante: I would prefer to see a male trio of espionage: Kim Philby, Guy Burgess and Donald Duart Maclean! I’m sure you know them!!!

Virgil: Of course I know them!!!I’m fond of John Cornwell, ‘ you know?

Dante: I thought you spent your spare time reading the classical books of ancient memory…

Virgil: Dear son, classic is a relative class, especially in art and literature!!!

Dante: And there’s also George Smiley with them?

Virgil: Who knows? They are in a great copy, all wearing a sort of Janus’ masks with a double identity… two faces… as they have been in their life…and nobody knows whom is talking with. Water flows out of their mouths and they can’t help saying cheating words; and since they are not allowed to take their masks off,   they drown in a sea of lies, forever…

Dante (shuddering): I feel very tired master…

Virgil (with a brilliant jerk): Listen to my idea. I know a place where we can comfortably sit down and watch what goes on…

Dante (curiously surprised) How  can be that?

Virgil (amused)  It’s  a sort of a live performance…

Dante: Is it true that imagines and movements can be captured in a sort of synthetic skin?

Virgil: Yes, son! It’s true! But what I propose looks much better as a theatrical representation…

Dante: Let’s go quickly then!
