last moon

martedì 19 luglio 2011

The Poem of Creation

Continues from June the 29th 2011

Second Part

Realized Adam and Eve since then to stay 
 naked with shame, and they wore like a shield
fig leaves to be covered since that day 
To protect their nudity in the bloom field! 
“Where areyou ? Why are you walking away
From me?” asse to Adam God, who will wield
Forever human‘s fate. Eve confirmed 
that because of the snake eaten they had!

In fact the Holy  Lord said to the snake: 
“Because of  what you ‘ve done,  cursed are you; 
Above wild animals, and I will make 
You eating the dust for all your life through 
Upon your belly, unable to shake 
Your arts! Your head’ll crash you the woman to 
whom  hostile I will make you and her heel 
One day you’ll try to injure for such appeal! 

It said to the woman: “I will greatly
Multiply your pains in pregnanciness 
Adress your instinct, but dominionless 
It will be on him!” To man God said bada: 
You won’t draw  any food on soil unless
Ion the  sweat of your face. That will be a must
‘cause you are dust and you’ll return to dust! 

And since then the path  is not allowed
On direction forward  the tree of the life, 
And  God on the edge of the Garden placed 
The cherubim with a flaming big knife 
Worried that man would have the fruit tasted 
Of life’s tree to become eternal stuff! 
That’s why God sent Adam and Eve away 
from the Eden, as the Holy Books say. 

To be continued

domenica 17 luglio 2011

Free Tibet

Thank you Mr Obama for meeting the Dalai Lama though the chinese governement keeps on protesting, claiming that Tibet it's a domestic affair.
Sorry Mr Premier Tchatch Weng or whatever you're named, but Tibet is not a chinese affair.
Tibet will never be chinese.
I don't have anything special against China and chinese people but I don't like communism and above all I don't people who go to foreign countries imposing their customs and their laws against the traditions and the local habits.
Furthermore I think that every man has the right to believe in his God, supposing is a God of love and peace.
I'm Christian but I want everybody free of worshipping any God and even to don't believe at all.
Commerce and financial power cannot kill freedom.
Please America keep on fighting for freedom. Don't let materialism win against spiritualism.
Don't let communism win against liberalism.
Don't let liberty fall in front of slavery.

martedì 12 luglio 2011

More jaw, jaw, less war,war!

Once upon a time we used to say "make love, not war"!
Today MP John Baron, invites British Governement to use diplomatic means instead of the bombs.
As matter of fact Mr Baron was contrary for joining the air french mission against Gaddafi's people, in Lybia, following the frenetic, rushing, profiting french leaders!
To learn more on this

sabato 2 luglio 2011

A true hero

He's a real hero, Matthew Scheurich, who despite the alien, hostile surroundings, succeded in rescueing his girlfriend, a french anthropologist, from a rape's assault, by a tribesman in Papua New Guinea.

His bravery cost him two arrows in the chest (one of them got very close to the aorta).

Someone might think that people would do better not going to such wild places, but this is a different matter which nothing can subtract to the primeval, great Matthew's courage.

By the way, I'm not sure people should not go to such wild enviroments; of course there are certain rules to observe when you go there, but still Matthew's behaviour on defending his girlfriend remains a grat gesture of bravery!
Know more on this

venerdì 1 luglio 2011

Almost a bridge to heaven!

The New world's longest  record belongs now to The Jiaozhou Bay bridge.
It covers more than the distance between Dover and Calais actually measuring more than 24 miles.
It took 4 years to build it up and costs almost 1£billion.
If it were built toward the sky it could be ... a bridge to heaven!

To know more about