last moon

sabato 11 agosto 2012

The Poem of Creation

The World’s Creation

At the beginning God created the sky
And the earth, which was shapeless and desert
And darkness cover’d the abysses close by;
But on the waters, with divine, expert
Zeal, God established that obscurity
Had to be opened to the bright alert!
God, seeing that it was good, called Day the light.
And the darkness instead was named Night.

Then beneath the waters, the firmament
set God, and between them, b’low, the dry land
He also set, whither at same moment,
To any bud and tree He gave command
From seed to be produc’d for nourishment
Of any species, in ground, soil or sand!
After He had named sky, earth and sea
To following duty God had to begin.

Hereafter the lights in the sky He set
Doing the moon and the sun for night and day,
And other signs and stars in dose correct,
for making years and seasons going away,
For the Most High is much more than perfect
And furthermore of this I cannot say!
About this seventh stanza therefore
I will not tell you nothing anymore! be continued...

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