last moon

lunedì 21 marzo 2011

It's springtime

It's springtime but there is no joy in my heart. The old gone verse echoes in my mind: " How many bombs/ must a cannon ball fly/ before the world/ is allowed to be free?"
And I ask my self: "Will never the man defeat is thirsty of power?
I'll keep on pursuing Good against Evil though I doubt the man will never take apart violence, greedness and power.

giovedì 17 marzo 2011

Happy Birthday Italy

Happy Birthday Italy!  I wish You a thousand of these days! A thousand, such as Garibaldi's Red Shirts,  who helped to create You, a hundred and fifty years ago; so many as those italic talents   the world admires of us!

Congratulations Italy: Because You existed before Your very birth, in that groove that Romulus was pleased to record seven hundred fifty-three years before the Great Sun of the World.

Happy birthday Italy, You bear on Your face  the pain of a miserable season and Your body shows scars and amputations by prophets and leaders of politics and deceit.

Congratulations Italy, fearless  and resigned heart, paternalism and love!

You'll never die as long as there is someone in the world who pronounces the word "Sì! "

In Cagliari, 17 March 2011 in the 150th anniversary   of the Unity .

mercoledì 2 marzo 2011

Life comes from the sea

From the sea comes every life
And from the sea came the ancient fathers of Sardinia;
From the sea they did get their food
Before they discovered
Our rich, great land of Sardinia!

From the sea came the roman enemies
Conquerors, destroyers
And after them
Other avid merchants
Came to exploit, to kill.

But I still hope
That soon this same sea
Which is named after us
Might define again
The borders of our own land
And Sardinian people
Might take the sceptre of command
That the fate and the story
Has assigned to them
And just to them

ignazio salvatore basile

Sardinia 1981

Englished from original Sardinian language by the same author