1. Passports. Be sure that both you and your charge’s passports are current. You’ll want to be sure that your return travel dates are well within your passports’ expiration dates. It’s also a good idea to make a photocopy of your passports and take them with you in your travel bag. Upon arrival to your destination, store them in a safe or secure area. If your passport was to get stolen, having a copy would make it easier to replace.
2. Visas. Before travelling internationally you’ll want to be sure that the necessary visas are secured for you and your charge. Even if you are told you don’t need a visa, you’ll want to confirm this information for yourself, as the rules are constantly changing.
3. Get a notarized consent form. When traveling internationally with your charge, you’ll want to have written consent to do so. Be sure your employers draft a letter giving you permission to travel abroad with their child and that the letter is notarized.
4. Get a notarized medical authorization form. It’s always a good idea for a nanny to have a notarized written medical authorization form so that her charge can receive medical treatment should the parents be unreachable.
5. Medical power of attorney. For families who want to be sure that their child will be able to receive any medical treatment necessary and know that they may be largely unreachable, giving their nanny a medical power of attorney may make sense.
6. Expenses. When travelling with your charge you want to be sure you have the financial resources available should there be a kink in your travel plans. A family credit card with your name on it, cash on hand, and cash in the currency used in your final destination can make covering unanticipated expenses easier.
7. Check connections. Entering customs and immigration can take a long time when you are traveling alone, never mind when traveling with a child. Make sure that you’ll have enough time to travel through customs and immigration between flights, if necessary.
8. Medication information. If your charge is prescribed prescription medication or formula you’ll want to travel with the medication or formula in the original containers. Having a doctor’s note outlining any health concerns or prescribed medications can also be helpful should you be questioned about the medications at your entry point or should your charge become ill while abroad.
9. Reserve seats. Sometimes it costs extra to reserve airlines seats, but if you’re traveling with a non-lap baby, doing so is essential so that you can ensure you are seated together. For extra room consider reserving bulkhead seats.
10. Use a neck pouch. Consider wearing a neck pouch that is concealed underneath your shirt. Putting your travel documents, money, and important documentation in this pouch can make accessing it and keeping track of it easier.
Traveling internationally can be a rewarding experience, but when traveling with children it’s vital to be prepared for the worst case scenario. Consider how you’ll handle delays, cancellations, and other bumps that may present themselves during your journey together.
P.S. This post was proposed to me for publication by Debbie Denard. I'm therefore publishing it by her invitation and under her permission. See also the link below fore more information:
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