last moon

martedì 28 febbraio 2023

Poem of Creation - 6

Mose’s deeds 



A tribute now I pay right away,

and it is that due to Father Moses,

when Egypt became scary and fray,

at the times of  Pharaon Ramses ,

when they increased  as it’s harder to say,

and the  Egyptians felt a risk because,

they  on arms strong in case of a war,

would have won and escaped furthermore!


And despite of  the very hard jobs,

which the Egyptians had obliged all of them,

instead to decrease their  own values,

became  more skill and dangerous men

at the eyes of the same oppressors;

of consequences and of costs regardless,

the Pharaon emanated this edict:

“Be every virile child of the Hebrews

[drowned in the river of Egypt.] 


domenica 26 febbraio 2023

Poem of Creation - 5

Descendants  of Adam and Eve 


Then Adam knew Eve and she conceived 

Cain. She said “Now I have got a man”. 

A second time was pregnant Eve, glad

To give Abel his birth. But while Cain 

Was  farmer,  shepherd was Abel instead!

The eldest his fruits  to  God more sane

Did give,  and Abel  best  from his flock

More pleasing God, made to  Cain a shock.




It goes on longing for real liberty 

which will arrive with Christ  Redemptor 

the trip of restless and strain  uncertainty 

of the unworthy human gene and traitor 

Whom will mislead wight great  iniquity, 

Off from right furrows the seeds of  honour

 Abel was murdered by his own brother 

Cain, who will be for it,  pun'shed rather.


It was up to Set and his discendants 

Enòs, Kenan, Iared, Matusalem 

before the ark sailed trough tempestous seas 

with Capitain Noè and best of them

Whom   God off   from big flood wanted to please

To resolve the everlasting problem 

that Evil in the mud was sinkly dead

and  for His glory God could raise instead. 


But  Noè’s father  has n’t to be confused 

With the homonym that ascends to Cain, 

to Whom  gave Ada, after conceveid

 Iùbal;  Zilla gives him  a son again,

Tubàlkain, father of those who’re used 

Working  iron and copper. Is not vain

To say that from Zilla each flute’s player 

Descends, as well as those who play cither!

sabato 25 febbraio 2023

Poem of Creation - 4

Realized since then Adam and Eve to stay

 naked with shame, and they wore like a shield

fig leaves to be To protected since that day

Covering their bodies  in the bloom field!

“Where are you ? Why are you walking away

From me?” asked to Adam God, who’ll wield

Forever human‘s fate. Eve confirmed

that because of the snake eaten they had!



In fact the Holy  Lord said to the snake:

“Because of  what you ‘ve done,  cursed are you;

Above wild animals, and I will make

You eating the dust for all your life through

Upon your belly, unable to shake

Your arts! Your head’ll crash you the woman to

whom  hostile I will make you and her heel

One day you’ll try to injure for such appeal! 


He said to the woman: “I'll multiply

your pains during your pregnanciness

and forwards your husband I'll modify

 your instinct, but you'll be dominionless

 on him!” To man God said the soil by:

any means will give you food  unless

through  sweat on your face. That will be a must

‘cause you are dust and you’ll return to dust!

giovedì 23 febbraio 2023

The Poem of Creation - 3

But the Creation was not yet complete

Still being missed the breath of the Animator

Who can transform into a giant a bit!

Waters from earth going up by Creator

To mist all over the ground were admit

So could mould the man God the Great Factor

and by that divine blow the man was made

but nevertheless, he still lonely stayed.



Insofar a day, while he was sleeping,

God took one of his ribs from his right side

And close up its place with flesh, according

Not to keep him alone, such a grac’ful glide

became a woman, companion cleaving:

On body and soul with man equal inside

and ‘t was a joy! But from that happiness

Adam had soon be wak’n on bitterness!


In truth, as I have already said,

it was the snake the deceiving actor,

who convinced Eve to be so mad

to eat the fruit that the Good Factor

had forbidden; and she convinced her lad

they would have become like a professor

of science and art of evil and good !

That fruit so became the damned food!

mercoledì 22 febbraio 2023

The Poem of Creation - 2

The World’s Creation


At the beginning God created the sky

And the earth, which was shapeless and desert

And darkness cover’d the abysses close by;

But on the waters, with divine, expert

Zeal, God established that obscurity

Had to be opened to the bright alert!

God, seeing that it was good, called Day the light.

And the darkness instead was named Night.


Then beneath the waters, the firmament

set God, and between them, b’low, the dry land

He also set, whither at same moment,

To any bud and tree He gave command

From seed to be produc’d for nourishment

Of any species, in ground, soil or sand!

After He had named sky, earth and sea

To following duty God had to begin.


Hereafter the lights in the sky He set

Doing the moon and the sun for night and day,

And other signs and stars in dose correct,

for making years and seasons going away,

For the Most High is much more than perfect

And furthermore of this I cannot say!

About this seventh stanza therefore

I will not tell you nothing anymore!



“Fly off all birds”- said God- “freely in the air

And splash about in to sea any fish;

Graze lambs, calves and livestock everywhere

In grassy lawns that will never languish;

Grow up any reptiles fair and unfair,

living beings either monstrous or polish!”

After the earth had all animals found

God said to them to multiply around.



And finally He said: - “ Let’s make now man

In our image and likeness, every

And each animal to lead on command!”

After doing that He rested quietly.

Henceforward, after six days, on the land

man, on the seventh, stays steady Godly,

being it consecrated for prairie and rest,

Both the last hours and also the first!

The Poem of Creation - 1





I sing the God Almighty’s Creation

Whereof were firstly born Adam and Eve

former seed of any human Nation

at the time they could only conceive

the joyfulness with no desperation

In the Eden still so far to receive

The challenge of that infernal snake

Who wanted to be a godlike fake!


I also sing about the brave men strays,

Straight descendents  from that chosen race,

who such in boldly and daring ways

Isr’eli people to holy surface

They led of Palestine. Hates, loves betray’ls

I don't omit, on fortune and disgrace:

those between God and men, tribes and  kingdoms;

and I sing laws, exiles and wars into my songs.


Arduous so much however it ‘s my part,

long and full of traps my composition,

That plenty of fear I feel into my heart,

if only I dare to think myself on action,

and tremble with my hand before I start

The Old and   the New Holy Narration!

My Fairy God, You Firmament’s Creator

Allow  me to become a keen narrator!


From Genesis’ to Apocalypse’s book

please drive my hand between rhymes and accents

to enable  jointly with my mind, to hook

the most significant, deep, true  sentiments

in order they can take a fairly look

of those seventy three, pious components!

If someone goes to Source for sweeter tasting

 all my efforts for sure I won’t be wasting!



martedì 21 febbraio 2023

Have a good trip Mr Shadow 

Another trip for  Mr Shadow


It’s very hard to live my own life

Fighting against the inhibitions,

the limits, the taboos of my own time!


It’s really very hard to cancel my personal history,

chopping off every bond with my past!


It’s hard to change the idea

We have of ourselves,

forgetting   what  the others

believe   to know of  us!


And it’s hard again to change

Our idea of  the life,

seeking for trust,

not in the eyes of the other people,

but in the deep eye of our being.



It’s hard for me to proceed

Through this path of loneliness,

hoping to undertake one day

my trip to Ixtlan,

to bathe me in the sacred river,

to purify me of all my sins,

and  understand the mysteries of life,

smelling the magic flower,

to reach the eternal safety,

the apex of   knowledge,

the heaven of the ever green city  

where the seven gold doors

 will finally open their secrets!


And the soul will fly for ever

Through the endless worlds

Of the universe

domenica 19 febbraio 2023

Arthur’s dream 



And then I woke up

one morning


with no reasons to stand

no reasons to stay

paralyzed by nothingness!

And I suddenly understood the junkies

Looking for something,

belonging to another world!


Yes, I woke up

Or perhaps I was still sleeping

With none to love

None to hate

And nothing to fight for;

With no bother,

no pleasure,

no compromising,

nor boredom or satisfaction;

no hunger,

no thirst.


And so I communicated


To give Elem a date

in that pub

and she came,

yes she did

only for me!

But soon she went away,

without telling me why. 


And since then I look for a telephone number

A police’s district

A little bit of peace in my mind

And everything to forget

in this bed

without Elem.

And nobody will know the reason why 


Let me   kiss your feet baby,

I love them, allow me to kiss them,

I promise  you: only your feet Elem,

Nothing else,

nothing more than your wonderful feet.

I love them.



And you’ll be laughing, without telling  me why

because this is fantastic,

how you can laugh

without any  reason;

Let’s have another drink and   smoke a little more,

come here,  we’ll be

peacefully  alone.



God damn you,  Mr Shadow,

Balls to you;

the world around us  is so great

that I don't understand how you are not able

to find another damned place to go to;

and I’ll tell you much more:

I   understand  German;

I really do understand it , ‘ you know?

And even if you spoke any other bloody language,

I would understand you as well,

‘cause tonight I will kiss her feet!

Look at them:   they are so beautiful,

gilded as her hair,

and soon I will be  kissing them.

And she will laugh

the way she only knows ,

and nobody

will know the reason why.

sabato 18 febbraio 2023

Drift of Civilization 

Drift of Civilization

(In death of Edoardo Sanguineti)

The green wood crashed

From the third floor down

while Edoardo

like dry wood

was left

two hours


for help;

in the meanwhile  televisions,   radios,

newspapers, networks,

were babbling of heroes,

other green wood

sent to die

by pompous senators

Pharisees of the third millennium

in the name of a homeland

with no more fathers!

But what kind of place

has become this Country,

Where poets live and die

In the utter indifference,

while bitches and their pimps

make the news

wide coverage’s enjoyed

by the newly scribes

In a frenzy of amps

That seem to lead us

Into the  drift

Of our civilization?


giovedì 16 febbraio 2023

The Cosmos' Conquerors 

 Like scissors cut from the head the hair

That’s the way we were born in  the Cosmos.

Wandering atoms,

molecules of discard,

rottenness of the universe,

ephemeral chemical structures,

extreme outskirts of living beings,

first in the nothingness of   perishable,

first among the oblivion,

sick walk-ons star like,

beard of  planets,

transitory living form

which has not still  right understood

its  correct value  in the complex alchemy

of the world.

Pain and pleasure

What else are you

But  not two opposite chemical transformations?

Law and Ethic, brakes of  fear?

Power, fallacious safety’s  illusion?

I do  believe that if tomorrow we disappeared,

Even exploding around with all our folly

the Cosmos would not however  realized

we are not anymore !

My Mantra 

My mantra leads me far

out of the daily usual borders

of the surrounding physical space:

and it seems to me so different and deceptive

the ancestral conception of the world,

when the mind lays down

on shapeless spots of indistinct colored flashes

and now drowns on them, happily unconscious,

then pursues the swallows

along the sounding corridors they trace in the air,

lost in their twittering accents

which nothing explain to human intellect

but yet lighten up all its restless minds!


And while the world regains

Its usual forms,

a doubt re-emerges slowly to surface:

if it were better for us to discover

how we are connected to nature

before seeking

new, remote and distant worlds!