last moon

domenica 26 febbraio 2023

Poem of Creation - 5

Descendants  of Adam and Eve 


Then Adam knew Eve and she conceived 

Cain. She said “Now I have got a man”. 

A second time was pregnant Eve, glad

To give Abel his birth. But while Cain 

Was  farmer,  shepherd was Abel instead!

The eldest his fruits  to  God more sane

Did give,  and Abel  best  from his flock

More pleasing God, made to  Cain a shock.




It goes on longing for real liberty 

which will arrive with Christ  Redemptor 

the trip of restless and strain  uncertainty 

of the unworthy human gene and traitor 

Whom will mislead wight great  iniquity, 

Off from right furrows the seeds of  honour

 Abel was murdered by his own brother 

Cain, who will be for it,  pun'shed rather.


It was up to Set and his discendants 

Enòs, Kenan, Iared, Matusalem 

before the ark sailed trough tempestous seas 

with Capitain Noè and best of them

Whom   God off   from big flood wanted to please

To resolve the everlasting problem 

that Evil in the mud was sinkly dead

and  for His glory God could raise instead. 


But  Noè’s father  has n’t to be confused 

With the homonym that ascends to Cain, 

to Whom  gave Ada, after conceveid

 Iùbal;  Zilla gives him  a son again,

Tubàlkain, father of those who’re used 

Working  iron and copper. Is not vain

To say that from Zilla each flute’s player 

Descends, as well as those who play cither!

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