last moon

giovedì 23 febbraio 2023

The Poem of Creation - 3

But the Creation was not yet complete

Still being missed the breath of the Animator

Who can transform into a giant a bit!

Waters from earth going up by Creator

To mist all over the ground were admit

So could mould the man God the Great Factor

and by that divine blow the man was made

but nevertheless, he still lonely stayed.



Insofar a day, while he was sleeping,

God took one of his ribs from his right side

And close up its place with flesh, according

Not to keep him alone, such a grac’ful glide

became a woman, companion cleaving:

On body and soul with man equal inside

and ‘t was a joy! But from that happiness

Adam had soon be wak’n on bitterness!


In truth, as I have already said,

it was the snake the deceiving actor,

who convinced Eve to be so mad

to eat the fruit that the Good Factor

had forbidden; and she convinced her lad

they would have become like a professor

of science and art of evil and good !

That fruit so became the damned food!

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