last moon

domenica 31 gennaio 2021

Magic Sardinia - 3


When I was younger I thought that our land deserved a better fate and that we colud join together to fight against the injusticies and abuses of the history (and perpetrad by the historians). 

I have never believed in violence, so my decision to fight pushed me to join a politician party that in the heighties was granted by more than a victory in the polls.

 But this party, which had been funded by the  great, honest politician and writer of  the past Emilio Lussu, showed to be corrupted and not able to make any change, as emerged in the ninties by numerous cases of politic corruption in the nationalist party of Sardinia called "The four dark brown" from the flag of the very region of Sardinia). Its top men, turned out to be more attached to power than the italic politician they declared to fight against for the indipendence of our people. Furthermore the sardinian people itself turned out to be individualistic, incapable to find a unity, fragmented into a thousand streams of different ideas!

In my old age I realize with sadness that sardinian people was a romantic idea, borned in my mind, present in my soul, but non-existent in reality.

Of course the vestiges remain of our great past when may be we colud be called a fierce people.

But there is also the disappointment of noting the envy and invidualism of a people without any guide.

3. to be continued

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