last moon

giovedì 7 gennaio 2021

Aytaç Unsal Free

While some proud boys are attenting to democracy at Capitol Hill, some other  turkish proud boys are attempting the core og the law at Istambul, arresting Aytaç Unsal, a lawyer accused  for defending in a trial the  oppositors of Turkish proud boys leader Erdogan!

Let's remember that any time a dictator attempts the right of defence in a trial, he attempts to democracy.

The right of defence is a result of a millennial struggle against the power, in order to guarantee to any defendant, not matter if guilty or not guilty, the legal defence in a trial.

The assault to Capital Hill, the arrest of Aytaç Unsal, even the abuse of patience of some new, modern Ctilina in Rome, are ominous signals of the sunset of our democracy in nowdays world.

Let's rise the voice against dictatorship, against anarchy, against the law of the strongest.

Let's howl at one voice: Free Aytaç Unsal in Turkey! Right now!

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