last moon

mercoledì 20 marzo 2019

Carpe diem

The maxim "Carpe diem" has currently risen to a different meaning from the original Horace's lyric poet of the Carmina.
As a matter of fact Horace's dialogue to the young Leuconoe is not an invitation to enjoy blindly the life, but is better a call to live the possible happyness that the incertainty of our life can offer to us (carpe diem: quam minimum credula postero).
In this point of view "carpe diem" accords with the right meaning contained in Saint Mathew's Gospel (Chapter 6, 25-31) with which Jesus invites us to live today without the ambush for tomorrow.
So we can say, with Novalis,  that the great latin poet  Horace,  was the real priest-poet. 

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