last moon

domenica 21 febbraio 2010

A regretful man

Though an old one, I think a man can choose to to do what he likes of his life; even deciding to become a woman.

But what does it happen if a man, after many gender reassignement operation to become a woman, decides to revert to his life as a man?

That's what really happened to Charles Kane, DM on line reports.

Of course Nature does make some confusion, sometimes.

But let me say one thing then: we can make much more confusion in our brain.

So let's stay things as they are, specially if there are our kids involved.

To know more by Helen Wheathers on Daily Mail On Line:

"British-based businessman Charles Kane has spoken publicly of how ultimately he found a woman's life boring, tired of fashion, hated the female hormonal fluctuations, and missed being taken seriously by men.
'There are some regretters, but I have spoken to other people who are very happy having made the transition,' says Jane,'I don't know if I will miss what is perceived as male privilege. I know that writing as John Ozimek I will receive 40,000 hits on the internet, while as Jane Fae I have received around two.'
For now, though, Jane feels liberated. The newness of being able to browse a make-up counter, buy a nice dress and wear pretty shoes is exciting. She is planning on growing her hair into a bob, and might even go blonde.
And Andrea will be by her side, advising her on how to look and act as a woman.
'I can see strangers looking at her, moving their eyes up and down the body,' says Andrea. 'They see the women's clothes and the elegant walk and then they see the head and the two don't go together at the moment, but they will.'
Jane has yet to take all John's men's clothes to the charity shop - ' just in case' - but she thinks she will start getting rid of them soon. Andrea wants to keep a couple of her favourite shirts. The ones she liked to see John wearing.
No, this is not proving to be at all easy for either of them. Can there be a happy ending?
Last week, after seven years of waiting, Andrea finally received her marriage proposal. From Jane, not John. She accepted. They will both now wear dresses, with Jane joking that she wants the bigger 'meringue', before conceding that a slim, column gown would suit her better.
It is not what Andrea envisaged for herself when she first met John Ozimek, but she loves Jane Fae now. In her eyes, they remain one and the same

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