Dealing with the Diagnosis
Immediately after receiving the news of your breast cancer diagnosis,
you will probably run the gamut of emotions, experiencing everything
from fear to outrage. There’s no “right” or “wrong” reaction, as these
five bloggers explain in their own diagnosis stories and advice
- Dealing with Diagnosis
- Breast Cancer: Diagnosis
- It Started With a Delayed Diagnosis
- What to Expect After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
- Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Where Can You Turn?
You’ll naturally want to learn as much as possible about one of the
most common forms of cancer treatment, but scientific journals can be
difficult for a layperson to decode. These five bloggers explain
chemotherapy and share their own stories or the fruits of their research
in plain language that’s relatively easy to understand.
- Does Chemotherapy Deserve Its Bad Rap?
- Tummy Troubles Linked to Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy and Exercise
- For Those About to A/C…
- Experimental Biology Blogging: Cancer Chemotherapy and Cognitive Deficits
Managing Hair Loss
One of the most dreaded aspects of cancer treatment is the
possibility of hair loss as a result of chemotherapy. Unfortunately,
many women are hesitant to discuss the matter when they’re facing that
anxiety, usually for fear of appearing vain. These five blog posts take
on the subject of hair loss resulting from cancer treatment honestly,
giving you practical and useful advice for handling this difficult
- Raw October — Day 21 (Hair By Chemotherapy)
- Breast Cancer, Hair Loss, and Dismissive Doctors
- Coping With Hair Loss as a Result of Cancer Treatment
- A Shaved Head is Worth a Thousand Words
- Coping With Hair Loss From Cancer Treatment
Preparing for a Mastectomy
Even if you’re not yet sure whether or not a mastectomy is in your
future, it’s wise to begin gathering information and familiarizing
yourself with the procedure while learning to manage the resultant
emotional fallout as early as possible. These five blogs approach
mastectomy candidly and frankly, pulling no punches.
- Preparing for a Mastectomy
- Prepare for Mastectomy
- Top 10 Tips – Pre-Mastectomy
- “Preparing for Mastectomy”, After Mastectomy and Lymph Node Dissection
- Preparing for Your Mastectomy Surgery
Alternative Treatments
While most women that turn to alternative treatments are in the later
stages of cancer, there are those that want to pursue holistic or
alternative treatment from the moment of their diagnosis. In the
interest of making sure that you have the best possible chance of
emerging on the other side of this battle as a breast cancer survivor,
these five blogs approach the subject of alternative treatment. Keep in
mind, however, that most bloggers are not medical professionals, and
that their advice is no substitute for that of your oncologist or
- Less Invasive Breast Cancer Treatment
- Alternative Medicine Use and Breast Cancer
- Breast Cancer Treatment Options and Alternatives
- Looking Towards Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment
- An Alternative Therapy for Some Breast Cancer Patients
The ultimate goal after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is to
reach the Holy Grail of remission. These five blog entries discuss
several aspects of remission, both from a personal and scientific
- Thank You, Remission
- Breast Cancer Survivor ROC – 25 Years in Remission
- Remission
- When Cancer Disappears: The Curious Phenomenon of “Unexpected Remission”
- Living for Years With Late-Stage Cancer
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