last moon

giovedì 15 aprile 2021

Old and new dictatorships

How many dictators will we still have to see, haranguing from the balconies of power, the dull masses of the Naziolists, before a true universal government forever prevents them from exercising a power that offends the soul of the world?
 How many Hitlers, how many Mussolins, how many Erdogan, will we still have to endure, without being able to prevent them from imprisoning dissenting politicians and the lawyers who defend them? 
 The latest, in order of time, seems to be the elected president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, one who has imprisoned dozens of lawyers, guilty in his eyes of having defended dissenting politicians in court. The bully of Instambul now took it out on Mario Draghi, who had the courage (and perhaps also the unconsciousness, being a non-political in a strictly sense) to remove from him the mask of democratic fiction behind which he disguised himself since long time and that other politicians pretend not to see, in the name of diplomacy, business and politics.
 The diatribe between Mario Draghi and the Turkish president starts from the recent "sofagate", the diplomatic incident involving the Turkish ceremonial, which saw Ursula Von der Layen, president of the EU Commission, deprived of the diplomatic chair that was due to her (perhaps more as a woman than as chief of the executive of the European Union) and on which the president of the European Council
Charles Michel, has instead slammed! 
 But that's just the finger! The moon, or rather the real question that lies behind this apparently trivial motivation, is the exit from the Istanbul Convention, already signed by Turkey in 2011, from which Erdogan wanted to call himself out, worried that international norms they could force him to respect those human rights that he refuses to acknowledge even to men; and even less to  women, mercilessly imprisoned, even if they perform defense functions in court as lawyers! 
 And here it  comes to the focal point of this post. 
The only way to stop these dictators of whom we've really had enough,  would be to set up a world government that abolishes by law all naziolisms, discrimination and the thirst for power that are the common denominators of every and each  dictator, since  the existing world! 
 I know it won't be easy! 
But must we wait for an alien's invasion in order to unite in an international coalition that recognizes the right to exist for all peoples? Or should we wait for the ongoing third world war to finish destroying the earth?
You may also say I'm a dreamer, again; but dreams and words are the only arms I have to make my thought spread!

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