last moon

venerdì 26 giugno 2015

Are males better than females?

The never solved question has recently rised in scope chess and aroused an outcry as GM's UK player Nigel Short was quoted to declare that men are more suitable than females on playing chess.

The quarrel is ancient like humanhood. Nigel Short, as matter of fact, said he was misunderstood as ho wanted just say the men and women are different and act with different skills, sometimes superiors to those of men.

According to a recent  scientific report in Pennsylvania University, women usually work with both brain's hemispheres while men seem to privilige the right hemisphere.

Personally  I think that both sexes do excel in something and that they are simply complentary one each other.

It's a useless competition try to make a rank of classification to establish which one is the better.

Eventually never forget that between the two litigants has the third, as the proverb says.

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lunedì 22 giugno 2015

Chess mirror of life

It seems that also in Chessgame people are loosing the path of the ancient roman Ulpiano's maxim "honeste vivere et neminem laedere".

Leo Benedictus takes opportunity from an unpleasant occasion, which recently took place in Abu Dhabi, during the international chess tournement, to make a subtle analysis of both contemporanean society and chess GM's way of life.

The matter is related with the use (and with the abuse) of elettronical machines and sophisticated tools such as i-pads, i-phones,mobile telephones and various computering machines which so much have spread anywhere, in schools and working places, changing so deeply our habits.

Of course we agree with him when he says we must keep on going on a right behaviour in our day's competences, as well as in sports or in freetimes activicties, though is more and more difficult to do.

For those who love chess, furthermore, is not pleasant to see the cheateangs and frauding are affecting also playgames and sports.

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