last moon

mercoledì 29 giugno 2011

The Poem of Creation- God creates the Man

 continues from 14th of   june 2011

But the Creation was not yet complete
Still being missed the breath of the Animator
Who into a giant can transform a bit!
Waters from earth going up by Creator
To mist all over the ground were admit
So could mould the man God the Great Factor
and by that divine blow the man was made
though lonely,  nevertheless, he stayed.

Insofar a day, while he was sleeping,
God took one of his ribs from his right side
And close up its place with flesh, according
Not to keep him alone, such a grac’ful glide
became a woman, companion cleaving:
On body and soul with man equal inside
and ‘t was a joy! But from that happiness
Adam had soon be wak’n on bitterness!

In truth, as I have already said ,
it was the snake the deceiving actor,
who convinced Eve to be so mad
to eat the fruit that the Good Factor
had forbidden; and she convinced her lad
they would have become like a professor
of science and art of evil and good !
That fruit so had to come the damned food!

End of First Part- to be continued

sabato 25 giugno 2011

The Mystery of My Love

I have never loved,
   since never  loved me
the women I loved
and I didn't love
those who tried to love me!

I  first pursued
Impossible loves,
and when the overwhelming body
 forced me, I loved,
but it was not love;
surely  it was sweet discovery of pleasure,
flesh into flesh, fire with fire
fury subsided into the abyss of life;
but it was not love.

Neither  was love
the spasm which I waited
to see the air colored  
by your forms,
when was  enough for me
to feel her presence
ethereal and impalpable, although present,
yet not mine
and it was not love.

So, I'm  still in search of you, sublime, decanted love.
What are you?
You that fleetingly
  were sent to men by God?
Are you  for all of us or just for a few?
Do you really exist?
You  catcher of   hearts and reason?
Are you real or unreal?
Lier or truth?

Still I'm seeking after you,
poignant love
unveiled eyes,
flying mate,
slave and mistress,
mother and lover,
mystery of life!

martedì 14 giugno 2011

The World’s Creation - First Part

At the beginning God created the sky
And the earth, wich was shapeless and desert
And the darkness cover’d the abysses close by;
But on the waters, with His divine, expert
Zeal, God established that the obscurity
Was opened to the bright alert!
And so came out the light.
It was named as day, and the dark as night.

Then beneath the waters, the firmament
Put God, and between them, below the dry land
He also put, where in a moment,
To any bud and tree He gave command
From seed to be produced for nourishment
Of any species, in ground, soil or sand!
After naming sky, earth and sea
To the following duty God had to begin.

Hereafter the lights in to the sky He set
Doing the moon and the sun for night and day,
And other signs and stars in dose correct,
To make years and seasons going away,
Because is much more than perfect
And furthermore of this I cannot say!
About this stanza therefore
I will not tell you anymore!

Fly off all the birds freely in the air
And splash about in to sea any fish;
Graze lambs, calves and livestock everywhere
In grassy lawns that will never languish;
Grow up reptiles fair and unfairs,
 living beings and monstrous and polish!
After the earth had all animals found
God ordered to them to multiply around.

Finally He sad: - “ Let’s make the man
To our image and similarity
to every animal to be on command!”
After doing that He sat quietly.
Since then, after six days, the next again
The man, in the seventh, stands restly,
Consecrating it for the rest and to the prayers,
Both the last hours and also the first!

giovedì 2 giugno 2011


FAS is an acronym for "Foreign Accent Syndrome" which under misterious, unexplained circumstances affects some people after they are hit by a shrapnel or suffer of a head trauma, as Neurologist try to explain.
But this time, the curious event, which consists on starting speaking its own language with foreign accent never known before, regards an american woman who woke up after dental surgery speaking with british accent.
It happened to 56 year old Karen Butler who was born in Oregon (USA) and never went farer than Mexico in her life.
It seems a sub variation of another better known: the Xenoglossy, an extra sensorial perception which seems to consist on speaking totally unknown foreign languages (sometimes they are even dead or ancient languages like ancient latin or greek) following an head shock or a violent event.
Learn more on this