last moon

venerdì 31 maggio 2024

The Last Moon


The last moon


Act Unique in six scenes in Sardinian Language

By Ignazio Salvatore Basile

Translaction in to English by the same author

General index


the last moon

drama in one act and six scenes

pages 1-20


Structure and Framework

page 21

Description of the Protagonists

page 22


The presentation of the author: where does the idea come from?

page 24


Director's Notes

Page 26


Acknowledgments and Contributions

page 27



Itzocar                                  Tribe’s Chief of Nure


Irìsa                                        His  Wife


Damasu                                  Son to Itzocar and  Irìsa


Gula                               Daughter to  Itzocar and  Irìsa


Alàshia                                   Sister to  Gonario


Aristea                            Daughter  to  king Gonario’s 


Nakigia                                   Gonario ‘s Widow

Rumisu                   Nakigia’s Son –Throne’s pretender


Bithia                Nakigia’s Sister - Priestess of  Nure


Iolao                                       Bithia’s Son


Anù                                        High Priest at Nure     


Elki                               Anù’s Son  and  Soldier’s Chief


Soldiers and People


King  Gonario                        His Phantom



On the  tribe of  Nure reigns Itzocar, who rose in command twenty years before,  when  his brother Gonario, suddenly died.

In so doing Itzocar has however willfully ignored the rules regarding the succession imposed by ancient tradition , who foresaw the Regency of Gonario’s widow,  Nakigia, at least until the grown age of his son Rumisu, still a child at the time of death of the king Gonario.

Trying to legitimize and strengthen the usurped power Itzocar and authoritative Anù, Member of the Council of elders of Nure, combine a double marriage: Damasu, designed by his father Itzocar to succeed him on the throne, will marry Aristea (who is daughter to deceased King's sister, Alàshia), while Elki, son of Anù  will marry  Gula (daughter of Itzocar).


But Nakigia, widow to Gonario,  who is contrary to weddings, invited to depose the gifts on behalf of Anù, invites the nobles, priests and the people waiting for the awakening of Bithia Priestess ( mother of Iolaus), who has been doing the rite of incubation, waiting for a forseen dream,  to refuse the wedding at least until Bithia’s reveil.

Rumisu, son to deceased King Gonario and to Nakigia , aims to remove Uncle Itzocar in the command , feeling empowered.

While Nakigia exposes his call to wait, Bithia awakens and describes his dream of doom: a Sun swallowed by the Moon(Song of Bitia).

 Immediately after bursts on the scene Rumisu accusing Uncle Itzocar to have usurped the command (song of  Rumisu).

At the end of  Rumisu’s song, Damasu enters in defense of his father Itzocar.

The two men fight hand-to-hand.

The winner will be Rumisu. The loser Damasu abandons the village.

Rumisu, ripped the stick and the mantle from his uncle Itzocar, that will follow with his wife Irìsa the defeated son, sits on the throne and invites Aristea to join him at his side.

 But Iolaus and Aristea announce their love. And while the people and the guards, let the two lovers pass by, sadly Rumisu will leave the scene defeated by his own lust for power.

The ghost of King Gonario appears to underline the right rules with the song  of Akinta Kamar.

When Gonario goes out of scene, all the people will dance, celebrating the Last Moon, before the sun takes over the power for ever.



 (the scene opens to the central square of the nuragic village of Nure. In the background,   a sacred well of nuragic period and in the distance the towers of the village; the half moon   shines in the blue sky; a mixed group  are dancing  a nuragic appropriate dance of good luck wishing at the double promise of marriage between Damasu and Aristea and between Elki and Gula.

 The choir will be singing the following air)


Come on, come on, lights from the sky

Come on, bright and pregnant

Come to the aiming water

Come on, come on, lights from the sky



Itzocar (standing up and beating the sheep’s stick for thrice, calling for silence)

-        People of  Shardana! Listen to me! I, Itzocar, King of Nure, today  I promise by the present announcement the wedding of my son  Damasu with the nice princess  Aristea ((Aristea,  will cover her face with the veil;  later on this sign, soon interpreted as shyness,  will be revealed  a gesture of refusing !)

 And when the Moon is sank  in the sacred well, nobody will be able to deny this promise  I’m doing in front of you; I call everybody as witnesses  as I confirm the promise with the gifts that my wife  Irìsa will pose hereafter in the well;


Irìsa (she stands solemnly up and goes to put the presents by the sacred well; then one ancill will give her a veil whom with she will tie one the couples)

-         You will be tied together for all your life, in luckiness and sadness! For ever and ever!


Anù (leaving the priest’s assembly will repeat the same Itzocar’s words, inviting Nakigia, being him a widower, to deal the bribes)

-         And I, Anù, Mayor between the Mayors of  Nure, announcing and  pronouncing  the weddings of my son  Elki with the beloved king’s Itzocar daughter , the nice Gula(he will stare at  Gula  who according to tradition will hide her own face with the veil) and because I’m a widower it’s up to the first Priestess Nakigia to present the gifts in front of the people!


Nakigia ( she will solemnly occupy the center stage, which will be promptly released,   but without taking any the gifts of  Anù and leaving drop off the veil brought to her for tieing the other couple ).

         - Is not that the way we used to present our weddings in the sacred well of Garlo in this country! Not even for the ancient habits  and not really while our priestess  Bithia   is still consulting our Gods! (everybody will turn towards the sacred tub of prediction where Bithia is staying, while the heads and the priests shall lift buzz of discontent and protests; but the protest stops while leaping from  the sacred cavern from which Bithia, cataplexy, comes, sustained  by the vestals to occupy the center stage  and  begins to sing)

to be continued...

martedì 28 maggio 2024

Three English Dramas

Scene V

After they hear knocking at the door, Brenda goes to open it

(Enter  Inspector Green and his two policemen)



Insp. Green (while entering, showing his badge)

-Everybody keep steady, please! That’s a legal search! (to Jonathan) And you Norman or Vincent or  whatever   you have been named in your Jamaica,  give us that bag!!! 


Jonathan ( still with his hand in the bag)

-I don’t think there is nothing interesting a legal search in my bag!!!


Insp. Green ( with sarcastic smile)

-Don’t worry about that, maroon! It’s up to us  the valuation, isn’t it boys???


First PM

-Come on , young boy! Don’t make the Inspector been upset…


Second PM

            - And I’m also very nervous indeed!!!



-I’m telling you that there is only a present for my friend’s Max birthday!!!!


Insp. Green(still sarcastic)

-Well! Why not? A very good present from Jamaica…


First PM (getting closer and grabbing Jon’s bag)

-Let’s see your present…


Second PM (drawing the pack out )

-I’ll try a guess! It weighs  a pound…more and less


Insp. Green (tearing off the paper)

-Bloody Hell! Someone is kidding up!!! What does this book here mean  ?


Jonathan (catching the paper from the floor in a very nervous voice)

-I believe I’ve told you a few times before, haven’t I? I hope you have some good paper to wrap it up again!!!!


First PM (grabbing the book)

-The Trilogy of Don Juan!!


Second PM (sneering)

-Who is going to read such a boring thing?!?


Jonathan (grabbing violently the book from his hands)

-I doubt you would be  able to understand a only word of it!!!


Insp. Green (emptying the bag’s content on the floor)

-Well ! OK! Let’s stop messing around! You give us the stuff and we all be all right? Where is that pound of grass from Jamaica?


Jonathan (always  angrier collecting his things from the floor)

-Listen to me now! My name is Jonathan Close! J, o, n, ‘you know? Without any h! My father is Jew ‘ you know? Though I can reasonably suppose that my ancestor’s bones rest in the English ground much  before than yours’s! When in life they were famous for other pounds of different stuff….now  if you’re looking for any grass either you go in to my house’s lawn or you catch a plane right to your beloved Jamaica, all right???


Insp. Green

            - All right! You have well played your role, young boy! Just collect your things and let’s work out our business!! Who is the landlord here?


lunedì 27 maggio 2024

Il Vangelo secondo Maria


È un film che fa riflettere, “Il Vangelo secondo Maria” di Paolo Zucca (ispirato al romanzo omonimo di Barbara Alberti).

Aiuta a  riflettere, innanzitutto, sull’evoluzione della  condizione femminile. E viene da chiedersi quanto di quel patriarcato millenario, evidenziato sin nei primi quadri dalla pellicola,  sia rimasto incrostato nelle pieghe della società contemporanea, in un momento storico in cui i femminicidi ci forniscono il termometro del disagio patriarcale con cui i maschi odierni sembrano rifiutare il desiderio di un’affrancazione risolutiva, manifestato dalle donne.

Sì, perché il film, a discapito del titolo, è secondo me un film sulla condizione femminile nella società arcaica mediterranea,  che inevitabilmente lo spettatore tenderà a proiettare ai giorni nostri.

È anche vero che la proposta del film, evidente sin dal titolo, sembra fornire invece una diversa chiave di lettura, indirizzando lo spettatore a una visione apocrifa della maternità della madre di Gesù. Tuttavia a me pare prevalente l’interpretazione sociologica su quella religiosa.

Per chi si reputi un cattolico, come nel mio caso, è difficile, se non impossibile,  accettare una proposta alternativa alla visione canonica del mistero di Maria.

Eppure il cattolicesimo più illuminato, sin da quando venne pubblicata la Buona Novella di Fabrizio De André, e forse ancor prima con Pasolini e il suo “Vangelo secondo Matteo”, ha imparato a confrontarsi con altri e diversi punti di vista.

Anche nel caso del film di Paolo Zucca “Il Vangelo secondo Maria”, per un cattolico, praticante o meno che  sia,  non si tratta di volgere in dubbio dei dogmi cristallizzati nel tempo, scolpiti nell’anima dei credenti, avvolti in un mistero che costituisce il nucleo essenziale della fede, e come tale viene custodito nei recessi insondabili dell’esistenza, e non certo nella logica raziocinante del pensiero.

Sarebbe fuorviante e anche penalizzante, per la stessa pellicola di Zucca, tentare un paragone tra il sacro e il profano.  Come nella scuola dei tempi che furono si insegnava a non mischiare i ceci con le fave, così occorre fare, oggi, tra le opere dell’uomo e quelle che all’uomo non appartengono.

L’opera d’arte va quindi valutata con i criteri suoi propri. E l’opera di Zucca, in questo caso, appare credibile e apprezzabile per più di una ragione.

Credibile e apprezzabile appare Benedetta  Porcaroli, che ci restituisce una Maria intrisa di umanità e di amore, schiacciata in una condizione impossibile, ma per niente rassegnata, neppure in quella sua maternità non richiesta e non voluta.

Apprezzabile appare anche Giuseppe, interpretato da un sicuro Alessandro Gassman, che introduce nel film, in maniera  credibile (e la cosa non era di per sé scontata), quelle venature di esoterismo e gnosticismo che rimandano alla tradizione dei vangeli apocrifi.

Anche Fortunato Cerlino, nella parte del sacerdote, Lidia Vitale nella parte di Anna e Maurizio Lombardo, nella parte di Erode appaiono convincenti nei rispettivi ruoli; perfino Leonardo Capuano, il padre padrone della giovanetta  Maria, una volta avulso il personaggio dal suo contesto canonico, e calato quindi nella realtà che il regista ha inteso rappresentare, rafforza i caratteri sociologici della pellicola, di cui si diceva dianzi.

Personalmente ho trovato fuori contesto l’angelo, impersonato dal pur bravo Giulio Branno,  che avrei evitato di rappresentare in quel modo così naïf (magari lo avrei sostituito con una visione onirica); e anche la sfilata della statua nel piazzale del Bastione di Saint Remy mi è parsa fuori luogo. Due scivoloni che però, a parer mio, non tolgono niente all’importanza del film.

L’ambientazione, tutta  sarda, compreso il cammeo delle donne  e dei figuranti popolani, congiuntamente alle  scelte linguistiche autoctone, hanno contribuito a rafforzare una visione solida e originale.

mercoledì 22 maggio 2024

Three English Dramas - 4

Scene IV

(Soon after a clock has beaten up five hits, someone beats the entrance door)


Francesco (detaching himself)

            - Someone has knocked at the door! May be Max is back.


Brenda (going  to open the door)

-  He often forgets his own  keys when I’m at home though I’m  waiting for someone at five o’clock!


Jonathan(Enters with a bag on his shoulder)

-Hello Brenda! Where’s old Max! I got a present for him in this bag!!!


Brenda (with surprise)

-It’s you, Jon?!? Welcome!! Max is coming back soon! Leave your present in your bag, please!  I want to introduce to you a good italian friend of ours…


sabato 4 maggio 2024

Three English Dramas - 3

Scene III

(Max’s house living room; Francesco is reading a book sitting in an armchair; Brenda comes from the central door who leads upstairs; from the open door they can ear sounds of feasting voices and rock music from late seventies;)


Brenda (entering)

-Here you are Francesco! I’m sorry you are not enjoying the party!!


Francesco (closing the book on his left hand)

-Don’t be sorry, Brenda! The party is all right. It’s me to be wrong!


Brenda (laughing)

-That’s exactly what Max says when he wants to leave a party! Do you know where has he  gone, by the way? You left together upstairs, didn’t you?



-Well, I simply followed him downstairs! And he just told me here I would be in a quiet reading place, ‘you know? But after receiving  a phone call… he went out to make his own phone call…. I suppose that telephone must be broken for calling out I mean(shows a telephone apparatus on a table)…..


Brenda (pulling the telephone up with confidence)

-It could be….but I ‘m not so sure  …..


Francesco (with embarrassed voice)

-I see….May be he had to make a sort of private call…. I would have left him alone …..

Brenda (with  a reassuring tone of voice, sitting on the opposite armchair)

-Don’t be upset, please, Francesco! Max is such a claustrophobic subject from time to time…..he wanted to go out.. that’s all!!!May I stay with you for a while?



-Of course you can! I’ll be pleased!



-Will you really?


Francesco (Putting the book down on the table and sitting with crossing legs and folded arms)

-Sure ! Why should I not?


Brenda (sitting on the edge of the armchair and lowing her voice)

-May be you can be my confessor….


Francesco (laughing)

-I’m sorry but I’m not enable to confess you! Not yet, at least….


Brenda (as above)

-But you could however  advice me…would you?



-Well, it depends from the matter, ‘ you know?


Brenda (with sensual voice)

-It’s a matter of love!!!”


Francesco (showing indifference)

-What kind of love does it deal with?


Brenda (surprised)

-Love is just love, isn’t it?



-Sure it is! But it also takes so many forms….



-Let’s talk about sex and love!!!



-Not always sex and love march together, do they?


Brenda (sinking into the armchair)

-Don’t be such a sophisticate prayer please!!! I’m just a mere student from art’s school!!!



-I know you are! Max has shown me some paints of yours…



-Has he? How have you liked them?



-They show a sort of….How would I say?  I mean a sort of universal  desire of love….But I’m  only a student from theological ‘s  school, ‘ you know?


Brenda (laughing)

-‘You mean desire to get love or just to give it?



-I don’t really know….may be both of them…


Brenda (closing back)

-Do you think a woman can love two men at the same time?


Francesco (showing a little embarrassed)

-What do you exactly mean by that?



-That   I make sex with Max and George… I mean, all three together, at the same time, in the same bed, playing the same erotic performance,  do you understand me now?



-Yes, yes, I do!  You don’t need to say more….


Brenda (closing weakly her eyes)

-We take pleasure each other: I love them and they love me…..



-And you would like to know my personal point of view or you prefer the theological rule for such a matter?



-I’m just interested on your own personal point of view!



-May be you might be thinking of loving them but they, for sure, are in love one each other!!!


Brenda (with surprise)

-What are you trying to say to me?



-I say that Max and George pretend to love you but actually  they realize their reciprocal love through your body…


Brenda (feeling upset)

            ….in other words you’re telling me that  they hide themselves behind my body?



-That’s right!



-Though difficult to believe it sounds quiet unpleasant to me!



-I’m sorry, Brenda! I didn’t really want to hurt you! That’s just what I have seen inside your words!!


Brenda (sinking again in the armchair with a sigh, firstly like in trance )

            - There are so many stale and unprofitable uses in this world…….Nevertheless when they lie with me   I feel  that my body is  granting their desires, ‘you know? And afterwards they keep satisfied….



-But my question is: are you satisfied yourself???


Brenda (like above, after a short pause )

            - Sometimes I feel there is something unfinished in all that… as if I searched for something              else…..may be a son to be mine above all… above conventions… above his own             father…whoever he might be……




            - ‘You mean like in a sort of matriarchal society?



            - …. It might be so…



-But human  kind have already passed through that stadium. I think the world must go    ahead……


Brenda (like following her intimate thoughts)


            -  Sometimes  I feel so astonished.. so confused…so ungratified…


Francesco (standing up)

-When I told you  before, that there are so many kinds of love, I meant that sexual love is an ever rising need: the more you make it, the more you need it…As matter of fact there is a superior level of love which is able to extinguish for ever our thirst of love….


Brenda (standing up and embracing him)

-Please, Francesco, show me that kind of love! Please, I really want it!!!