last moon

venerdì 14 ottobre 2016

Bob Dylan Nobel Prize

"For creating new poetic expressions within the great tradition of American song"

With this motivation the Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature 2016 to singer-songwriter Bob Dylan.

I am an admirer of the American singer-songwriter for a long time. I have worked  since the early seventies in the translation of his songs.

I considered his lyrics highly poetic, dreamlike and visionary as befits a great poet.
 I ‘m talking not only of Blowing in the Wind, The times are changing and Mr Tambourine Man.

 I’m  talking about much of its poetic production.

But I must confess that as a young man did not consider him a great musician, but a minstrel (in the best and highest of the possible meanings).

Today perhaps my judgment on its stylistic musician figure should be revised.
Nevertheless I prefer to continue to consider as a great poet.

 For decades I wanted  to see in our school anthologies lyrics  by Bob Dylan, Fabrizio De Andrè, Francesco De Gregory, Leo Ferre and many others; I say this has to be done without taking away  Leopardi ,  Carducci , Pascoli and D'Annunzio (Leopardi in particular is my favorite poet).

 I’m  only saying  that the anthologies of where our boys study should be updated  allowing the entry of these new poets.

Perhaps with the Nobel literature to Bob Dylan, something is going to  change.


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