last moon

lunedì 31 ottobre 2011

Welcome on the Earth

She's called Danica Camacho and was born in the Philippines the 31st of october 2011.
She's very special not only because is very nice, as you can see in the picture, but because she's estimated to be the seven billionth baby inhabitant of our world.
Best wishes Danica!
I'll pray God for you and for all the sons of generous and prosperous Mother Earth!

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giovedì 27 ottobre 2011

Great Velàzquez

Who knows how many masteerpieces rely forgotten in family's cupboards, mixed up with valueless tools.
It's just what happened to the Shepperson, an ordinary family from Oxfordshire.
Between a good number of anonymous paints they discovered a 3 million £ Velàzquez masterpiece.
To be more precise it was discovered by Mr Mckenzie, from Bonham auctioneers who are going to sell it the next 7th december.
The  great spanish artist painted the Portrait of Gentleman Juan Mateos, that's the name of the 99th Velàzquez paint, most probably in 1632 and was bought by Mathews Shepperson in 1820 for as much as seven shillings.
A quarter of pound really well spent.

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sabato 22 ottobre 2011

New hope for paraplegic people

Good news for paraplegic people. It's called "Ekso" and works as a sort of a mechanical skeleton consenting paraplegic people, who have had spine's damages, to erect and walk over by picking up tiny body movements and then translates them into strides while motors in the device's hip and knee joints drive the frame forward.
"The first time I walked, I cried very hard by joy!" said Amanda Boxtel, first paraplegic woman to text the new technology in Europe.
The robotic skeleton was first conceived for military purposes by USA Forces.
One more proof that often bad born ideas can become great supports for civil and good aims.
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mercoledì 19 ottobre 2011

Searching for a song

James McKinley jr, in today's NYTimes, underlines the lackness of an anthem for the OccupyWallStreet's people, today assembled at Zuccotti Park, Manhattan.
The songwriter Mr Morello has tried to propose Woody Guthrie's songs and himself's compositions but still the Movement needs a very personal anthem to be played as leading song for the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of the twenties.
I hope they will find a scale pop composer for writing a good text and a proper music, but if they don't I suggest them to adopt the Bob Dylan's "The times are a'changing".

mercoledì 12 ottobre 2011

Let them sing

Let them sing, all over the Country, let them sing!
Let them sing, they are the real voice of the Country!
Let them sing, in the name of liberty,
let them sing in the name of dignity!
Let them sing against speculation,
Let them sing against criminal finance!
Let them sing 'cause the world is their world,
let them sing for their sons, for their daughters!
Let them with the voice of the sixties!
Let them sing remembering flowers!
Let them sing for a new world is coming!

venerdì 7 ottobre 2011

Let them in

Let them in Mr President; they are the silent majority who is tired to see a greed, financial  minority exploiting the world.
Let them in Mr President; sit down and listen to them; they have a lot of things to say; they are the future of Mother Earth.
Let them in Mr President; Occupying Wall Street they want to show how a bunch of criminals have occupied the power and not by means of  democracy but with tricks and illegal behaviours.
Let them in Mr President; they are fed up to stand the 10% of people owning the 90% of reachness against the 90% of people.
Let them in Mr President; they want a new world of justice and USA must show the Country is for justice.
Let them in Mr President: you can choose to be with them or against them; with justice or against justice; with the New World or against the New World!

domenica 2 ottobre 2011

Let them go

Seven hundred have been arrested by police between the thousands of protester against the Wall Sreet Criminals. Can't be arrested at all people who show their thoughts and ideas in a democratic, pacific way.
So let them go! You can't legally  retain them!
We criticize Capitalism not for the sake of communism (which has already shown its owns limits making default all over the east side of the world)!
We criticize Capitalism because we believe that society and market itself is made for the man's welfare not the other way round.
Financial speculatrors make their business and their profits against the majority of society, showing to believe that in the center of the economic system there is the profit, not the man with its needs.
We don't believe in the god of profits.
We do believe in the God of manhood!

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