last moon

lunedì 29 gennaio 2024

Echoes from a sad soul - 4

We have been sharing a lot of time


You are so kind to me

As woman in love

Nice to my eyes

As delightful is a man in love

Romantic quite enough

Always anxious waiting for me

When I’m not in

You are

Best friends of mines

We share a lot of things

We have been sharing

A lot of time


sabato 27 gennaio 2024

Echoes from a sad soul - 3


Seven billion of seconds


Don’t think a second

It’s only a second

It’s worth indeed

Seven billion of seconds

Each human being

Sighs, breaths, speaks, drinks, eats

Enjoying life, suffering for lives

Each and every second

Of the world.

martedì 23 gennaio 2024

Echoes from a sad soul - 2

I promise to talk


If there is someone who knows, he must talk!

To tell us why the Son

has been torn from His Mother…

And the Brother from his Brother….

And why guiltless children?

And timeless old men?


I can still see them on spirit and flesh

fluctuating through the chimney pots

greeting us with a compassionate smile.

I, still hear barks and voices

assembling, frightening, dispersing,

chopping off bonds of affection:

we won't see them anymore.

I feel

the shame to be a man! 

And the fear to be alive and to love!

But why

if even Jesus Christ,

from the Cross,

had already forgiven us!

Why? Can somebody tell me why?

Please let talk those who can, those who want it!

And if you  Know, please talk about it.

I promise I will do it

For not to forget.

In Cagliari, January  2005




venerdì 19 gennaio 2024

Echoes of a sad soul - 1

Drift of Civilization

(In death of Edoardo Sanguineti)

The green wood crashed

From the third floor down

while Edoardo

like dry wood

was left

two hours


for help;

meanwhile television, radio,

newspapers, networks,

were babbling of heroes,

other green wood

sent to die

by pompous senators 

Pharisees of the third millennium

in the name of a homeland

with no more fathers!

But what kind of place

has become this Country,

Where poets live and die

In the utter indifference,

while bitches and their pimps

make the news

wide coverage’s enjoyed

by the newly scribes

In a frenzy of amps

That seem to lead us

Into the drift

Of our civilization?





giovedì 18 gennaio 2024

Echoes from a sad soul - 8

Lost in the House of Dawn

Would you please tell me

How has gone over the story

Of the age of Aquarius?

That story full of love,

Full of hope, full of romance!

And how goes now that

The cannon balls

Keep on flying?

And where the best minds

Of your generation

Are resting now?

Please, tell me again

Of peace,

Speak again of brotherhood!

Aren’t you the one

Who used to live his

Own life anymore?

Or you’ve really got lost

In The House of Dawn?


sabato 13 gennaio 2024

Echoes from a sad soul - 7

In death of my father


I do not remember now

In the name of what kind of freedom

Your agendas I used to fight

though today I know

The law we faced up

Later I knew

That not of iron

was made your heart!

And how many fairy tales,

I still had to tell you

But you seemed to be eternal!

Play in the heavens

Trumpet of silence

In honor

Of that sergeant

Who is no longer here

among us!


martedì 9 gennaio 2024

Echoes from a sad soul - 6

While praying I understood


Full of thoughts

Is the silent man

yet out of my mouth

I sigh gushes of pity.

And I understood that Love

is a divine ray.



domenica 7 gennaio 2024

Echoes from a sad soul - 5

Tre tripping soul


The best of my brothers,

those who made the revolution

Love seekers

poetry creators

of poem’s verses

which caress my heart

 are gone.

I also begin to arrange my bag

For the last journey,

 that of the soul


venerdì 5 gennaio 2024

Echoes from a sad soul - 3

Like a river water

Now everything slips away

Like does in the   river

The water on the stones:

even your beauty,

your youth too;

but I can love you

only with my thoughts

turned to God.