last moon

mercoledì 25 ottobre 2023

Traveling in spacetime with Virgil - 13

Second Scene

(the above said; Eleanor of Sardinia; his husband Brancaleone Doria )

As they come in there is a man playing launeddas, while a mature, nice woman is wearing  some coral pendants  earrings; the two people are dressed in Sardinian traditional suits and are very fashion. The furnishings are very simple: a mirror, four wooden chairs, a table, a stool, a cupboard. In the middle of the table some flowers and a faience jar of wine.


Eleanor (still looking herself in the mirror trying to fix the earrings) Come in!

Virgil: May we come in please?

Eleanor (like before): Of course you can! Come in and take a sit! I’ll be with you in a minute!!!

Virgil: Thank you madam!!!

(they seat around the table while the boys keeps on playing; after a short time Eleanor seats down with them)

Eleanor (while sitting): What wind of fortune brings you here? You look as foreigners to my eyes!

Virgil: You’re not wrong madam! We’re travelers and we come from very far!

Eleanor: Welcome to my house! Where are you from? There’s something familiar on you two but I can’t say more…May I ask your names?

Virgil: My name is Publius Vergilius Maro!

Eleanor: That’s why your acquaintance was so familiar to me…I’m honored to have in my house divine Virgil. What about your silent friend?

Virgil: His name is Durante Alighiero degli Alighieri…

Dante (shyly): Please, call me Dante…

Eleanor: Dante Alighieri!!! That’s unbelievable!!! Brancaleone, have you heard? We have Dante Alighieri, the Florentine at our desk!!!

Brancaleone (stops playing, puts the launeddas in the stool and goes closer, taking seat after shaking hands with Dante) It’s very nice to meet you!

Dante: It’s my pleasure!!!

Eleanor: There is Tuscan blood in our veins too! Though you might consider we are political rivals in some way!!! Please, my dear, take some glasses! We’re going to drink for celebrate this day!

Dante (confused and fascinated): Thank you very much;  but  please, don’t say I ‘m against you domina…

Eleanor (fiercely): I’m Eleanor Serra De  Bas from Sardinia, daughter to the King of Arborea, Mariano the Fourth; my mother was Timbora di Roccaberti daughter to the catalan Viscount Dalmazio.

Dante (standing up surprised, fall on his knees to kiss her hands): Let me pay the respect you deserve, queen of Arborea…

Brancaleone brings four glasses and smiles at Dante’s kneeling

Eleanor (helping him to stand up): Oh no, you are my guest, please. I know you are a great poet! Please have a drink (Dante, Brancaleone and Eleanor have a drink but Virgil doesn’t)

Dante (drying  his eyes off the tears of commotion and drinking some wine): I’ve known your great-grandfather Mariano the Third, in Pisa, in 1312; we were both there to pay respect to the great emperor Henry the Seventh of Luxenburg, the so called New Moses. His father was Chiano d’Arborea de Serra Bas, married with Giacomina della Gherardesca, daughter to the Count Ugolino della Gherardesca…

Eleanor: You know a lot of things of my family, Dante!!!

Dante: You belong to a great family! And Pisa is not so bad as I painted in my comedy…

Eleanor: Thank you Dante, though I must say that I feel to belong to Sardinia, more than to Pisa…

Dante: I was wrong and unfair to you country, beautiful queen Eleanor and I apologize for that. Could  you ever forgive me, you and your people?

Eleanor: So many people have been unfair to my country! And after all, who can say he has never mistaken?

Virgil: I think we need to go my son…

Dante (standing up and tendering the launeddas to Brancaleone) For the  love I promise to take to your country, please play for me once again!

While Brancaleone restarts playing Dante and Virgil will go away and the light will be off!

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