One day Ronald Reagan, annoyed by the vague answers that gave him his economic advisers, vented his anger by saying that he wanted to have economic advisers with only one hand.
In fact, in economics, as in drug therapy, there is no cure that does not have contraindications.
If you take a pill for the headaches, there is a serious risk to end up with an upset stomach, and perhaps with a good antibiotic, together with the viruses you might destroy your intestinal flora and your vitamin stores.
Even in economics, if you increase the amount of money in circulation, you'll give impetus to inflation, and if increases in wages, prices will go up, and so on.
The reality is that we are in crisis because we have the illusion that our economic growth can go up indefinitely.
And we are not available to regress and to change our consumer habits.
Yet we must resign ourselves, sooner or later, to change our economic model of development (and senseless consums that are the corollary) if you do not want the planet earth sink under the weight of our abuse.
And maybe he's right the great philosopher Edgar Morin when he writes that our model of democratic representation needs to be changed, reviving it with a more direct involvement of local communities on the one hand, and globalization of a central government on the other hand.
In fact, in economics, as in drug therapy, there is no cure that does not have contraindications.
If you take a pill for the headaches, there is a serious risk to end up with an upset stomach, and perhaps with a good antibiotic, together with the viruses you might destroy your intestinal flora and your vitamin stores.
Even in economics, if you increase the amount of money in circulation, you'll give impetus to inflation, and if increases in wages, prices will go up, and so on.
The reality is that we are in crisis because we have the illusion that our economic growth can go up indefinitely.
And we are not available to regress and to change our consumer habits.
Yet we must resign ourselves, sooner or later, to change our economic model of development (and senseless consums that are the corollary) if you do not want the planet earth sink under the weight of our abuse.
And maybe he's right the great philosopher Edgar Morin when he writes that our model of democratic representation needs to be changed, reviving it with a more direct involvement of local communities on the one hand, and globalization of a central government on the other hand.