last moon

giovedì 9 dicembre 2010

Just a virtual Vietnam

Somebody as defined the Assange's story a sort of "New Vietnam" for U.S.A. meaning that the still strongest country in the world has been in some way defeated by the events which showed the public opinion the frailty of the north american eletronic security system. They say, in other words, that U.S.A., would  being facing,
from all the other countries,  a disapproving behaviour  whose they we'll be soon ashamed of.
I don't agree with such opinionists.
First of all, in the Withe House there is Mr Obama now; while in those days a certain Mr Nixon was occupying that high seat;
 Secondly we must notice that in the Assange's story U.S.A. are the victims not the aggressors, as they looked at the eyes of the international public opinion in the sixties;
Thirdly (and I stop here, though there would be much more to say on the differences between the two cases) nowdays there is not any socialist appeal against U.S.A.. I want to say that at hte times of the Vietnam's affairs the world was confident that there might be another way of ruling the world and the criticist looked to the leftwing countries (like URSS, China and Cuba) to search a new hope and a new way of ruling the international affairs. But today noone still believes there is a better way than the american and european democracies.
Unless we want to speak about a virtual democracy: the web's democracy, where all people seem to have the same power, or at least the power is not the power that Stalin wanted information of about the Vatican, asking his advicers: "How many divisions has got the Pope?"
Of course U.S.A. must be clever: in my opinion they need to make their information web stronger and capable to resist to any hacker's intrusion or spy's system and leave Julian Assange to his destiny.
Prosecuting the australian boss of Wikyleaks USA risk to look, in front of the international public opinion, the arrogant giant stalking the poor freedom's seller. And people, between David and Golia alaways choose the first. And furthermore, in that case, U.S.A. really cooul risk a new, virtual Vietnam.

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