last moon

domenica 2 marzo 2025

Memories from the past

Just let them


Let them pass in Berlin

Come on! Laissez faire, laissez passer!

Today is not time

To shoot people anymore!

Don’t you know is November the 9th 1989?

Today   stop goods no more!

Come on! Only one thousand dollars

Will cost you a plenty full track!

At 9 past 21 p.m.

The wall is falling down!

Laissez faire, laissez passer!

There are bound to be changes

For our lives further on!

It’s crashing down

Together with our illusions

Their false promises

The wrong secular hope!

Come on!

The wall is hiding no more

The totems of progress!

Let’s go worshipping

The glittering gods behind!


Let them celebrate in U.S.A.

Let them celebrate

the end of your world;

the American dream is over;

money growing over nothing;

they need celebrating

the burial ceremony

of criminal capitalism,

of greed octopus

scrounging all people!

Let them celebrate

the dawn of new distribution

of richness of earth!

Let them celebrate

the end of your world.


Let them walk in New York

Let them walk! They are marching for freedom.

Let them walk! They are not hiding anymore!

When people go out it means they are in need

To show they are alive!

They need to be poor or rich together

You, one per cent, don’t stop anymore,

Goods to be shared

You priests of the profit,

criminals of finance,

embezzler of money,

cheaters of ever, trappers of men!

And let them finally walk!



Let them sing in the Country

Let them sing, all over the Country, let them sing!

Let them sing, they are the real voice of the Country!

Let them sing, in the name of liberty,

let them sing in the name of dignity!

Let them sing against speculation,

Let them sing against criminal finance!

Let them sing for the world is their world,

Let them sing for their sons, for their daughters!

Let them sing with the voice of the sixties!

Let them sing remembering flowers!

Let them sing for a new world to come!



Let them in Washington

Let them in, Mr President;

they are the silent majority

who is tired to see a greed,

financial minority

exploiting the world.

Let them in, Mr President;

sit down and listen to them;

they have a lot of things to say;

they are the future of Mother Earth.

Let them in, Mr President;

By occupying Wall Street

they want to show how

a bunch of criminals

have occupied the power

and not by means of democracy

but with illegal tricks.

Let them, in Mr President;

they are fed up

to endure the 10% of people

 owning the 90% richness

against the 90% of people.

Let them in, Mr President;

 they want a new world of justice

 and USA must show justice.

Let them in, Mr President:

you can choose to be with them

or against them;

with justice or against justice;

with the New World

or against the New World!