last moon

martedì 27 agosto 2024

How I think of You

How I think of You


How do I  think You are?

And Who are you?

I think the sea

Is Your voice

and the wind is Your breath!

I think it’s yours

the joyful look is   the sun

And Your melancholic eye is the moon:

although I know

it is not so!

I think that Your Tears

Of joy and sorrow

Fall down as a rain  from the sky;

but I also think

that my human thought

cannot understand

Who You are and what You think;

but I know that my soul

it is You.






Yes You are my soul

when reconciled it flies

on the miseries of the flesh

You are  in daily sacrifices

the tasteful anticipation

of the eternal joy;

it is You

hands outstretched to the poor

eyes faced for the afflicted

flesh generating flesh!

It is you

The mother crying

Christ on the Cross

who dies innocent and misunderstood

every day;

It is you

my soul

strip of Eternity


 into the earth!


venerdì 16 agosto 2024

My Light Cross

My Light Cross


I get up and collapse

Under the weight

Of my  slight cross,

very little


with the Unforgettable Cross

Standing tall on Calvary.

I Collapse and get up again,

on shaky legs,

and shaking heart

that only in Your forgiveness

finds the peace!

domenica 11 agosto 2024

Alone in the trembling night

Alone in the trembling night


When the vagueness of illusion

It is no longer day

In the shadow of the flame

I expect you to reach me

From undefined directions

Through  the countless paths

That lead from soul to soul.

I wonder if a heart beats with mine!

But I am lonely

In the  trembling night.


martedì 6 agosto 2024

In a middle-class drama

In a middle-class drama


I would like to slice my tie

And throw its pieces on you


I would like to eat

Using my hands at your table

Laughing in a natural way


I wish I could not hear 

Clanging my chains

When I move on slowly


You also hear them

But you won’t listen to them

for they are your own chains too!


We so spend our lives

playing a drama

somebody else has written

just for ourselves.

venerdì 2 agosto 2024

Lonely is passing another day

Lonely is passing another day


Lonely is passing another day

while the sun is breaching the sky

 on its way to the other side of the earth

I ask myself. “Why do we have to suffer?”


Loner I’m passing another day

Over my restless soul

With no certain direction

And I ask myself:

“What I am looking for?”


Lonely is passing another day

And I fear the unknown

And I don’t fight for money

And I don’t fight for love

and I ask myself:

“Why don’t I leave

For the infinity ways

Lay aside on the world?”

Loner I’m passing another day