Giuseppe Garibaldi was born in Nice (France) the 4th julliet 1807. His borning town, Nice, actually, before been conquered by the napeolenian trrops, was part oof the the kingdom of Sardinia, the small italic state led by the Savoia dinasty, which constitutes the original nucleus of the actual Italian State. It will defitely become french in 1860, in force of the Plombiere Treat between Nappoleon III and Camillo Cavour, who sacrified the Garibaldi's borntown in the altar of the italian unity, never forgiven by the great hero of the two worlds. His parents were both Italians, from Chiavari, a little marin town in the ligurian gulf. His father, Domenico Garibaldi, was a ship owner and wanted for his second born, Giuseppe, a future career as a lawyer or as a doctor; his mother, fervid chistian believer, would have wanted for his beloved Peppino (that's the way our hero was called by his relatives) a future as a priest. But the destiny of Giuseppe Garibaldi was quite different from these parents's desires, as we will see in the next parts.
... to be continued...
... to be continued...